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Gift Basket Raffle and Silent Auction
March 30 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Ocean County Artists Guild is hosting a Gift Basket Raffle and Silent Auction on Sunday, March 30 from 12 to 4 pm. Tickets are $40 ($45 at door if seats are available). Each ticket includes a hot buffet lunch with cash bar, 1 free ticket for a house gift, and chance at 50+ gift items, including 50 inch SMART TV, Giants signed football, works of art, dinner for two, a stay at the Mathis House, Blue Claws Tickets, and a host of themed baskets, family baskets, seasonal baskets, Easter baskets and much more.
Three tiers of tickets will be available for purchase at the door. The doors will open at 12 noon, lunch at 1 pm and the auction at 2 pm with silent auction at 3:30 pm.
You may purchase a reserved table for 8, 9 or 10 persons. Purchase the tickets all at once and the table will be reserved under the name of the purchaser.
Limited seating, so get your tickets early!
All proceeds go to the Ocean County Artists Guild 501(C)3 non-profit to provide much needed exterior lighting and electrical upgrades to provide safe passage for its artists, community members and visitors.
If you would like to make a monetary or in-kind donation or have questions, please contact Terry at or leave message at 732-278-9469.
Donors will be recognized at the event and in organization publicity
732 270-3111
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